ways to give

Help save lives and transform the future of cancer. 

Help create fewer goodbyes and more tomorrows. 

Every day, people are diagnosed with cancer, and every day, they reach out to CCS for trusted information and compassionate support. Every day, CCS-funded researchers search for the breakthroughs that will prolong, enhance and save lives. And every day, there is a community of monthly donors standing silently behind them, making progress possible.

When you join our monthly giving program, you are joining a community of people who provide unending support to Canadians affected by cancer, because caring for the whole person, from diagnosis through survivorship, is a 365-day-a-year job. Cancer doesn’t stop, but neither do we.

Choose from one of the following ways to direct your generous monthly donations and join us to prove that life is bigger than cancer.

Male chef looking forward smiling from the kitchen

Support the greatest need

By directing your monthly donation to the area of greatest need, you will help fund groundbreaking research, invest in our nationwide support system and fund programs and services as needed. Your donation to support the greatest need will ensure that we can support all Canadians affected by all cancer types. Learn more about supporting the greatest need
Male chef looking forward smiling from the kitchen
Young woman with dark pink cardigan, light pink shirt beside an older woman. Both women smiling

Support the breast cancer cause

With 1 in 8 Canadian women diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime, and over 25,000 Canadian women diagnosed each year, help make a difference in the lives of women and the future of our daughters. Learn more about the breast cancer cause
Young woman with dark pink cardigan, light pink shirt beside an older woman. Both women smiling
Young boy holding a brown teddy bear, sitting on his bed, smiling

Support the childhood cancer cause

Childhood cancer is the number one cause of disease-related death in Canadian childrenWe believe that one child with cancer is too many. Your monthly donation will support groundbreaking research to help prevent and treat childhood cancer, and a nationwide support system for children affected by cancer and their families. Learn more about the childhood cancer cause

Young boy holding a brown teddy bear, sitting on his bed, smiling
Woman with short, brown hair, sitting on a couch, wearing a blue blazer, yellow daffodil pin, white collared shirt, smiling

Support the metastatic cancer cause

People living with metastatic cancer (cancer that spreads from where it started) and their families have a challenging path that is unique from other cancer journeys. Your monthly donation will help and find new treatments to improve quality of life. In addition, you will help connect people living with metastatic cancer to strengthen and widen their community, and provide the information and support they need to find hope and live life to the fullest. Learn more about the metastatic cancer cause.

Woman with short, brown hair, sitting on a couch, wearing a blue blazer, yellow daffodil pin, white collared shirt, smiling
Older man, facing forward, smiling with younger man, fishing.

Support the prostate cancer cause

With 1 in 9 Canadian men diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, and over 23,000 Canadian men diagnosed each year, help make a difference in their lives by supporting the prostate cancer cause. Learn more about the prostate cancer cause.
Older man, facing forward, smiling with younger man, fishing.